Chris, Northallerton

Chris from Northallerton has his dream job, working for the North Yorkshire Moors National Park.

He used to drink fairly heavily, since being a student a while ago, but enjoys the countryside and being fit and healthy, which doesn’t fit with a drinking lifestyle.

“I’ve learnt over the last few years to moderate my drinking. I’m drinking a lot less than I used to.”

Chris thinks about the future, his health and how he wants to enjoy his retirement. 

“I’ve realised drinking affects your health, a lot of my friends are overweight, I fear for their livers, potential diabetes and strokes, I don’t want to be like them.

I want to have a healthy retirement; I’ve got another 10 years working in this wonderful place. I want to enjoy all the walking, moorland hikes and that means drinking less.”

Chris still enjoys drinking, but has cut down to keep healthy, and to avoid the hangovers, which he says become worse when you reach your mid-50s.

He has a few tips for cutting down and enjoying the drink on those select days.

“I have three or four days a week where I don’t drink anything. It makes it even nicer when you drink on that Friday night or have a couple of pints at the weekend.

Try drinking half pints instead of pints and just enjoy the taste of it, rather than the alcoholic effect. It’s important for your health.”

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